Friday, 6 January 2017

Cushion CAL:Update

Good progress made yesterday on the Cushion and a slight change of plan, decided to simplify the Square Cushion a little and definetly  do a circular one too. These pictures are only the first 2 possible sections to the Square cushion, lots to try first before i make a decision on the final panels.

My selection of olours will all be the same, but feel free to use your own colours or just some of the colours i suggest. 

to the pre cushion post 

 Taken at night under electric light so colours aren't quite true, but not too far off

 Lettuce, My Little helper always at my side 
 I can see this as a blanket as well, with the circle band as a border and lots of possibilities to come. 


  1. Great.😀 totally not what I expected!

    1. LOL me neither they take on a life of their own sometime xx
