Wednesday 26 December 2012


....and my crochet moss stitch lap blanket is fiished....
started out as pot bag but wondered if it would make a hat.....and it turned out a perfect fit, although it is real easy to change the size slightly as you dry it.
Lap blanket was finished this morning really really pleased with it.....another felted hat to make next for a friend.
Slowly getting to grips with the new Ipad but no idea yet how to add pictures to this blog from it. Considering it takes a split second to add them to Facebook I might do a crochet Facebook page, or maybe a crochet group as there are so many on the waiting list for the FLOWER BED.
Do hope you all had a great Christmas and Santa brought you at least one present
that you really wanted.
hugs to all xx


  1. Suz, love the hat and the blanket. I am so old school I use my ipad to view my blog but I would much rather use my computer to write or get pictures for my blog. I think the ipad takes too much time.
    Hugs to you,

    1. Hi wiz kid turned up after work last night and gave us a few lessons, wow! I can even talk to it and it answers me, scary hey!
      Hope you had a good Christmas
      Hugs x

    2. Oops forgot to say thanks for the hat blanket love. X

  2. I don't own anything beginning with an 'i' so I can't advise but I do love your new chapeau, Suz and I must give that moss stitch pattern a go.A crochet FB page would be a great idea. Let us know when it's up and running. Hope you had a good Xmas Day too. x

    1. Hi ipad and frustration went hand in hand Christmas morning, but slowly learning how fantastic it is, just so mich it can do I'm sure I will never learn it all,lol.
      You must give the Moss st. a try it is so versatile, not the fastest stitch to grow but worth the time and effort I think.
      Hugs xx

    2. Oops forgot to say thanks, glad you like the 'modern' blanket.xx

  3. Fantastic, both of them! Xxx

    1. Thanks,almost gave the hat away but as it was my first I kept it hehe.
      Hope you had a great Christmas hugs xx

  4. As a recent crochet recruit a FB page sounds great. So far I've managed granny squares, flower brooches and all the stuff you make but will NEVER be so quick as you. Christmas was quiet but nice & homely..just realised it's only 6 or 7 weeks until I can plant my tomato and sweet pea seeds,roll on spring!

    1. Still trying to decide about a Facebook page. Lol, I'm sure you will when you have crocheted as long as I have.
      I'm a spring gardener after that it has to look after itself more or less.
      Definitely agree roll on spring.

  5. I have had an iPad for a year now and I love it. I'm sure you'll soon get used to it. I know nothing about how blogs work but I have added pictures to emails from the photos folder, icon next to bin top left hand corner of individual photo.

    1. Hi still finding it easier to do blog with my laptop can't work out how to add pictures except from Picasa that is. I'll take a look at that tip thanks xx

  6. The whizz kid son turn up to show us how so I'm sure we will soon get the hang of it, couldn't believe I can chat with it too though! Very very scary and to think a few years ago I said what did I want with computers.....what a laugh that is now.
    Hope Christmas was good for you hugs xx
