Friday 28 January 2011


Don't ask 'cos l don't know yet lol.....l just know l need lots and lots more 
been collecting these pots and cutting the rim off and crocheting over them in a rainbow of colours...some sort of screen type hanging but l really not sure where it's going...?
they are Weight Watchers puds so keeping to the diet ready for the sandy break

Have a fabulous Friday everyone
hugs x


  1. Can't imagine what you will do with them but really love the rainbow of colours Suz.
    A x

  2. I can't believe all that I have missed over here. That's it no more trips to the dentist. I'm done with that junk. I miss out on too much Suz-ie goodness. Amazing what you have been up too.

  3. well, i don`t know if you allready made something out of it, but i love the hyper bolic way of crochet.
    have you seen the work of www.thecrochetcrowd boys?
    if you do that with the circles you can make all kind of things, like flowers or mobiles (i don`t know how to spell this) and etc....
    sorry for my bad englisch, i know how to spell it in dutch, but than you can`t read it :-)
    greetings miek
