Wednesday, 3 May 2017


Pattern Club/Workshops....

The Pattern club 
has out shone its self, so may wanting to join the fun and is still doing fabulously.
If you are interested, you would need to join the Facebook group
Granny Squares... for all the info or pm me on Facebook

We are on pattern 5 so far, one for each month of this year so far...and 7 still to come 

PATTERN 1: Summer Kisses

PATTERN 2: Triangle wool sack

PATTERN 3: Bobble throw and Bolster

PATTERN 4: Skinny Granny Scarf

PATTERN 5: Flower Garden throw

The Workshops all over the country...
are all over subscribed and all who take part are wanting to do a rerun with the same group of fabulous hookers they meet, in the following year.....we do have so much fun though.

for wanting me back for another workshop next year.
The same happened with Poppy's Holfirth all wanting to do it all again next year 

I've just done a fab day workshop at

Crochet Cottage
click link for more info
Blackminster Business park

the workshop was full, lots of fun and everyone wanted a return 'weekend workshop' 
 same time next year so Kate is busily booking it all for the 
5th and 6th May 2018

Everyone at this last workshop is in the process of making a Batik Triangle wrap

Wonder what i can come up with for next years 2 day event?

........maybe a new motif or two 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, this is last years pattern club though new one hasn't started yet xx
