Thursday, 21 July 2011

Crochet Triangle Insets to a Simple Giant Granny

Thanks for the lovely comments YOU ALL always make me feel better about what l'm making, when l'm not sure of myself.....thanks blogland friends
Yes l agree it does LOOK complicated and intricate, but it isn't if you can make a SC triangle and a basic granny square you could make this design up real easy

Decide on the number of stitches you need for each triangle and make your granny size a multiple of that number then do the single crochet triangles all around your granny then a chain to join the points and a couple more rows of SC then back to the basic granny clusters again and keep going
still deciding on the fill-ins for the holes 
Still trying to decide on the border for the other GG (underneath the triangle one in the above pictures)
but thinking it will be flowers or circles in the same blended colours...still experimenting
both GG's, as you can see will need blocking, a bit wavy at the moment 

How is your Crochet tension?
I'm afraid my tension is quite loose and varies quite a lot
One good thing for that is....
 l can always gain a couple of inches to finish a row, by undoing a foot or so and re-doing it, 
holding the yarn tighter lol

Ned to spend an hour or so on the wedding ribbons and flowers for NooNoo...the wedding is on Saturday
should be some pictures soon but not until after the wedding don't want to spoil the surprise

Tickets booked for the Shrewsbury Flower show on the 12th August..another day out with our great friends Dave and Alison...can't wait

Have a Thoughtful Thursday everyone

Life is a waste of time and time is a waste of life, 
so waste your time and have the time of your life !

Hugs to all xx


  1. Thanks both..taking a few minutes to get all around now lol
    Hugs x

  2. You make it sound so easy but my brain just doesn't work that way. Sometimes the projects that should be so simple leave me dumbfounded. Love your creativity. Have a beautiful day. Tammy

  3. Wow that is so beautiful!!!
    Karen :)

  4. Hi Suz,
    Thanks for the comments. Yes my mom is a crocheter too. I also just learned to knit, so excited!! Trying to teach my mom to knit too.
    Can't wait to see how you fill in the spaces on the triangle granny blanket. I'm also going to do something different to my giant granny too, so it does not get to wide, but still gains some length.
    Also looking forward to the pictures of NooNoo

    Great thought for Thursday, it is so me!!
    Hugs, René

  5. Very beautiful! :) /Limar

  6. Don't think you need to fill in the spaces looks fab without! Have a brilliant weekend. N xx

  7. Your granny and triangles are beautiful!
