Saturday 23 January 2016


this version of the Circle of Life is in a variable stripe 

Fans and followers will already know my signature small flower or circle start and finish....

 An idea shared many times...just say where you were inspired, 

 Added to projects originally, to eliminating all or some ends.
I'm using it in my temperature blanket as a challenge for 2016

was my original idea and I am now sharing the pattern with you all

Thanks for all the support

You are all GEMS and I Thank you so much.


  1. You are not the first of the bloggers I follow to have this occur and it is a frustration beyond words to see this happen over and over again. It really boils down to honesty and integrity, both compromised and abandoned leaving you victimized. It is a wound that ripples out to all in the fiber community. Thank you for sharing this pattern/technique, but please do find a new way to share as we do not need to incur any more artistic amputations. We are a community based on the success of each other, sharing and caring, connected by the very stitches and projects we create. When we steal from others, we are stealing from ourselves as we lose their contribution to this art.

    1. Thanks for the support..i also try to support other when i see this happening, all too frequently I'm afraid....
      I do wish people wouldn't 'borrow' designs and call them their own....and agree its annoying and happening far too often.
      In my case i've tried to give back a little of my experience to others and only asked for an acknowledgment... people copying and make things without acknowledgment usually i don't worry about too much, but to try and put to print, was a step too far and i wasn't prepared to accept without some come back....I do hope lessons have been learnt by all, i know i have learnt a lot.

      Most involved have mailed me and its now another day... the support has been over whelming so may be the borrowing without saying where it was from might stop? in hope lol x

  2. Please know how sorry I am that you have been betrayed by someone you were sharing freely altering.
    Please consider meeting this head-on and publishing this person's name and this company's info, so crocheters can boycott them. I think this is your most effective tool to prevent this from reoccurring.

    1. Hi Suzen, thanks not such a good day yesterday but i've found the overwhelming support has really cheered me is happening far too often I'm afraid, always amazes me how people think they can get away with it...But then followers of their blogs don't do the research some of us do take it all at face value without question...its all being dealt with behind the scenes and I'm not after blood or a pound of flesh!! Just hoping all have learnt a valuable lesson...i know I have the internet is not a place to be free with ideas and trust is not in some peoples vocabulary I'm afraid..again I live in hope it will stop!...mainly because those that do it don't get away with anything because sooner or later we all realise what they are is another day, lesson leant and we move on hopefully...thanks again for the support form all xx

  3. So sorry to hear about your experience, Sue. I can understand how annoyed and frustrated you must feel. What about sharing your patterns in the future against a small payment as so many other people tend to do?

    1. Hi Sandra, thanks. Friday morning was a complete disaster i had a gut reaction and shut everything down, but i've learnt a huge lesson and i hope all the others involved have too. Far too often this is happening and it needs to stop. Payment yes for completed patterns with a finished item is on the cards,but if you read all the stories they are still stolen. Not good at all.
      Its just so very sad as i love to share ideas with live and learn and trust takes another dent. Trying to decide how to proceed with the blog and still protect my work. thanks x

  4. How sad! Your story has a twist in that a yarn company was involved, but I have heard of more than one instance of stealing. One well-known designer caught her PAID tester selling her pattern elsewhere on the net; a husband wrote that his designer wife's patterns would sell initially but there was a sharp drop off in sales when people would start "sharing" the patterns on Pinterest or other sites; and just recently Kim Guzman wrote an article describing how she just finished writing her 13th "cease and desist" letter to sites where her patterns had been illegally uploaded. Sedruola Maruska from Yarn Obsession wrote a wonderful article on how to spot stolen patterns. And let's not forget those wonderful people who tweak a pattern slightly and then pass it off as if it's their own. There have always been (and always will be) the cheaters and thieves, and I have no answer to remedy the situation. Many people are computer savvy enough that even if you snail-mailed a pattern, they could just scan it into their computer and away it goes. Maybe if this problem is REALLY publicized and discussed, the number of incidents will go down. I would like to believe most people would not copy/purchase a pattern if they knew it was stolen. But the fact is we have a cultural atmosphere of "every man for himself" with a major lack of scruples or values - just look at what Wall Street did. Our culture needs a major infusion of The Golden Rule.

    1. Hi Nova55, yet another sad story....I always do research to check things out, not many do or don't care as you say they think they can get away with it, but they don't. Totally agree with you and so sorry to hear of a pattern sampler doing the dirty on a designer. Unfortunately if Channel think they can get away with stealing a Fair Isle Knitters designs what hope is there for the rest of us trying to make some sort of living at knitting and crochet...i've seen so much of this going on on the net and it's happening at the top too......Unfortunately with some success, do people not care? Or is it a cultural thing? Who knows, but you are right it's got to stop....and when yarn companies and magazines become involved in, 'well we took it on trust' with out checking things out its only adding to the problems. Anyway I've learnt a lot, fans are going to miss out a bit but i need to protect my ideas, and my sanity too...thanks so much for the comment and the support change is needed..find your own ideas folks and stop stealing others hard worked at ideas it doesn't pay the net is also very good at bring justice to bear too

  5. Unfortunately this happens often, I am sorry it has set itself upon you. I cant blame you a bit. We work so hard creating and sharing and for someone/company to claim all your hard work is such a blow to the creative spirit. It makes me sad that this happens in the crochet community, we should all be supportive of each other. Not everyone loves yarn, and crochet is such a loving craft that it just taints the whole piece when something like this happens. I love the scarf, and I appreciate the free pattern. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I love the circles. I hope to be reading a happier blog post from you soon. Take care.

    1. Hi Crystal, thanks sad but true, so many stories of immoral behaviour in the woolly world....its laughable how people think they can get away with it too...i certainly think in this case a number of people will have learnt a valuable lesson...I know I have.
      Thanks for the support and may be all this out right stealing or taking of ideas will stop? may be not but we live in hope thanks xx

  6. I've only just starting to share patterns but I've heard so much of this it's making me rethink the whole ethos of it. I love sharing free patterns as I have loved benefitting from them in the past (as I'm sure I will again) but to try and sell your pattern as their own is horrendous. I've shared your blogpost in the hopes it will reach out to others.

    1. Hi....thanks, a gut reaction i had to finding out, but not sure i can stop lol...i love sharing that much gets frustrating when you can't share good luck and hope the sharing of the post helps some realise what they cause..a lot of upset and annoyance thanks x

  7. It's ashamed people have to be so greedy and dishonest!!! I would think the time stamps on your posts would be proof enough to the purchaser for them to have them cancel their agreement with the thief. I am so sorry this has happened to you. I will certainly miss your patterns. It will make the afghan I am working on from your July 2 post even more special. (personal use, not for profit!!)

    My best, Christine

    1. Hi Christine, thanks for the support, I'm sorry too that its come to this I might feel differently in time but right now the posts will be basic stuff i guess...still trying to think straight!...not been a good weekend although the awesome support has been over whelming....bad day today i think the anger and adrenaline gone i hit the floor...Bu ti will pick myself up soon thanks again x
